Monday, April 8, 2013

Syrian regular army withdraw thousands of troops in the Golan

Syrian regular army pulls Alaljeic formal Syrian withdraw thousands of troops in the Golan area ..British newspaper said that the regime of Bashar al-Assad, to withdraw thousands of troops in the region adjacent to the occupied Golan Heights, to the capital, Damascus, in recent times.The newspaper "The Guardian" for Western diplomats to combat the withdrawal of Syrian troops from the Golan Heights and deployed on the battlefield near the Syrian capital Damascus to confront the opposition, is considered one of the major steps that have occurred over 40 years.She added that the opposition forces moved in to fill the void, which raises the concern of the Zionist entity, to exploit jihadist elements of the situation in the attacks on the occupied territories, as well as raise doubts about the fate of international peacekeeping forces there.A Western diplomat said that "the risks posed by Israel to take steps toward securing the Golan Heights would be enormous, he said, adding that" such a move would be received strong opposition from the international community, which has been Israel to what he described as military quagmire. "The newspaper pointed out that the international peacekeeping forces in the Golan may find themselves vulnerable to the target risk after the withdrawal of forces lion, which could push the countries participating in these forces rethink on the deployment of troops and especially Austrian troops that involved the largest number of soldiers.

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