Saturday, April 13, 2013

Australian researcher extinction expects men in the future

Australian researcher noted «Jenny Graves at the most recent studies indicate that men on their way to extinction because of the weakness and fragility of chromosome 'Y', the male and that

Women live in the future alone on this planet, according to the newspaper «20 minutes» French.

The «Greaves» specialized in genetics Australian National University b «Canberra» in a statement to the newspaper that the chromosome «Wi» the male consists in fact of a few hundred genes sound only, with each chromosome «X» Special females on A. Jane Legacy, and because the cells in a man's body contains Alkromusuman «X» and «Y», while cells contain women on chromosome «X» only, indicates that women are more likely than men, if wounded chromosome «Wi» or suffered an injury when men may be relieved, but and ستفسد all through the process of the evolution of man.

The researcher emphasized that the world will witness the emergence of a new genus resulting from the replacement chromosome Wi another, as actually happened mice governorate of Okinawa Japanese, who have lost chromosome 'Y', but the mice did not become extinct thanks to other chromosomes.
Noteworthy that 'Graves' already introduced this concept in 2009, but other researchers said that the chromosome Wi did not lose any genes for at least 25 million years, and it is not going to disappear sex men on the planet.

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